Monday 24 August 2009

About ussss :D (Because you really want to know :P)

Okayies well Im Momby and she is Robin. And no that is not my real name if you were wondering. Here is just a bit about us both :D.

  • Both go to the same school, same classes, same friends ect.
  • Likkeee BestFriends :D
  • Have sooo much fun together (like taking the piss outa peoples eyes :P)
  • And are both a bit crazy. Haha.
  • Oh and both girls if you had not figured that out yet :L

    But we are also quite individual, with talents and such. eg Rob's talents take a more musical arty kinda form, and mine... well i suppose gymnastics and drama kinda count as hobbies but you get my drift.

    So i said before that we have the same friends well just to let whoever is reading this know; they are amazing. About 5 or 6 of them really mean so much to me :) and because you really wanna know, here they are :P :::

~ Okayy theres the small blonde one who acts like a mother to everyone and is so kind she can never be nasty to anyone or tell them where to go. Unlike Robin :P. Yeah so she is like a very good friend basically. Oh and our wife. :D.

~ So there is the dude that I, of course, have to put next as he is like, too cool :P. Like Robin, his interests are kinda musical, as he is an excellent musician himself :). And God does he make me laugh. Maybe not purposely, but very much so all the same. I Love Him!! :D.

~ Then there is the ginger guy whos all into music (haha indie kid). Although he is not your typical guy, perving on random girls, watching horror movies and getting into fights. He's kinda much more intelligent, sensible and also a very good friend. Which is why he sounds like a 40 year old man in his blog. :P.

~ Butt we cant forget possibly the most violent young cheerleader you could possibly find. Naa I love her really :P. Not the typical cheerleader though. Not all sweet and innocent as you may think. Came up to me in maths once and bit me. Not a playful nip, no. Actually bled. But if you were friends with her, it is nothing you wouldn't expect. Provides entertainment during the 100 min math lessons *groan* (we are a slightly strange group). But don't get me wrong, she is so much fun and i would trust her with my life :).

See yaa. Momby :) xxx

Poteau une - How we came to be

Momby and The Rockin Robin... You can only wonder what freaks made this blog.

Yo dudes :)

So its the First post, or poteau une as the french like to put it. Basically me and the legend that is The Robster are bored and decide to follow in the footsteps of our dear friends (Mercutio + Bartholomew) and create a blog.

Right so me and Rob are 14, go to a cruddy school, have amazing friends .... wait there let me turn this depressing music off.... there. Anywayy. as the holidays are drawing to a close i can only help but wonder; have we really done anything constructive over the past 5 weeks??? Well apart from holidays we have literally been out and about every day park-ing, town-ing, cinema-ing and being teenagers basically, but done nothing remarkably memorable. Today was alrightt though (see Robin's post for full details of todays events :)) Oh well, there is allways next summer :D after the next tiring school year...... Ahhh i just realised... EXAM RESULTS SOON!!! Because we are clever beans, we did about 3 GCSE's very early. :D. But... Statistics... Never... Again... The course work was dreadful. it actually nearly killed me. Sorry, ranting. Just realised that is what a blog is. But before i bore anyone who is reading this to death, let me pass you over to my dear friend Robin (Who will probably make this first post actually worth reading as i tend to annoy people :L).

Soo Bye Byeee from Momby (the slightly-strange-but-very-cool one) xxx

Hi it's me, to my first point and what do you mean passing over? I helped write that. During her "old age" my dear friend momby is loosing her memory. And to my second If you are reading this then thanks because to be honest i probably couldnt be ducked to read any blogs other than my friends and i admire you for taking time out to read things written by sados like me ;).

So about me . . . well i really am not a very interesting person and have very few talents a can boast about, but one thin that does anoy me is when oldies complain about todays youth. I am not going to lie t you and talk about me in an exciting manor because i truly am not. Today all me and the momby have done is sit around being "rebelious" teenagers, as the title suggests. Thats if you think rebelious is listening to frank sinatra and making felt flowers. Thats right. Felt flowers. (it is realy fun and theraputic) We have lives, but choose not to use them to the full potential.

Because i am really shit at writing things like this and because i want to play guess the sketch, it will have to end it here.

Yours daily Robin (The mighty cool one) xx